Couples Claiming Universal Credit

If you are part of a couple, you and your partner will need to make a joint claim for Universal Credit.
You will each need to create a Universal Credit online account, and then go on to make a claim for Universal Credit. The first member of the couple to make their claim will be given a ‘linking code’, which will be displayed on screen – they need to make sure they make a note of this.
They should give this code to their partner who will input it when they make their claim for Universal Credit.
This ensures the claims are joined together and you are correctly claiming as a couple.
IMPORTANT: Your joint claim will only start if you have both submitted your separate claims, so try and make your claims as soon as you need to.
Every Universal Credit claimant has to have a claimant commitment (with some limited exceptions).
This means that each member of a couple must accept their own claimant commitment to get Universal Credit.
If either member refuses to agree to their claimant commitment then the couple are not eligible to claim Universal Credit.
The claimant commitment outlines what the claimant must do to be able to claim and continue to receive Universal Credit – often referred to as ‘conditionality’.
Normally the Claimant Commitment states in general terms what is required and the claimant will (normally) be notified via their UC journal of specific actions which they are required to take.
If the claimant (or their partner) fails to comply with any specific requirements without good reason, then their Universal Credit award can be sanctioned – i.e. they get less money in their Universal Credit payment for a period of time.
See Claimant Commitment for more information.
Sharon and Ian need to make a new claim for Universal Credit as they have both been laid off from a local electronics firm. Sharon makes her claim on 17th July – and is given a ‘partner code’ that she notes down and gives to Ian. Ian makes his claim the same day. They both need to attend New Claim Interviews and accept their claimant commitment.